Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation


                                                      May 31, 2013

                                     Focus on Curriculum

Popcorn Words: We reviewed our popcorn words from this year.

Reading:  We read fun books that the children have enjoyed throughout the year.  We also read Ducks in a Row, which the children each received a copy to enjoy reading.  We also wrote in our Colorful Zoo books.
Math:  We finished up subtraction and 3-D shapes.
Social Studies:  Our Weekly Reader this week focused on who cares for us.  We discussed all the people in our lives that care for us, from mom and dad, teachers, doctors, grandparents, etc.
Monday June 3rd we will be reading with our first grade buddies.  Please have your child bring a favorite book of theirs that they can read with their first grade buddy.
Thank You to all the parents who helped out in our class throughout the year.  I was so happy to work with such a great group of students all year.  I hope everyone and his or her family has a very safe and happy summer!

Thank you to all for the great year!


Please return any library books your children might still have at home.

Please remember to check the ABC Countdown Sheet.  

Please practice the popcorn words with your child over the summer.

Monday June 3rd Children’s musician Jim Gill will be having a private concert at school for only the kindergarten children.

Kindergarten Graduation Day is Tuesday June 4th 2013, 10:00 A.M. for the morning class and 2:00 P.M. for the afternoon class.  All family members are welcome.