Thursday, April 18, 2019

Happy Earth Day!

Focus on Curriculum               April 18, 2019

Jolly Phonics: We have completed all our jolly phonics sounds. Now we know the sounds of the letters and letter combinations: s, a, t, i, p, n, c, k, e, r, h, m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, oa, ie, ee, or, oo, ch, sh, ng, th, ou, qu, ue, oi, er, ar, z, w, v, y, and z.  We like to sing songs and do actions for each sound to help us remember them.  Remember to review the sounds we have learned in the letter and sound packet, which shows all the motions and sounds used to make each letter of the alphabet that we have learned this year. It is for your reference so you can practice with your children each letter and the sound of that letter.
Word Family’s: This week we worked on our short u family un.  We thought of words as a class that ends in un. The students came up with (sun, fun, bun etc.)
Reading:  This week in celebration of Earth Day we read Miss Fox’s Class Goes Green and read How to Help the Earth by the Lorax.
Writing:  We wrote about how we can help the Earth and go green ourselves.  In our journals we focus on using a capital letter to start sentences, proper punctuation, spacing between our words, and the neatness of our writing.  We also reread our writing to make sure it makes sense.  On each page of our writing journals we have a check list to double check our writing. 
Sight Words:  This week we learned the sight words who, what, where and white. We are going to keep our sight words in the front sleeve of our green folder so we can practice our words at school and at home.  Please practice the sight words with your child at home.  The words are getting difficult.
Math:  We worked on grouping tens and ones and then adding them together to find out how many in all. We also continued working with number bonds
Art:  We made an Earth Day project using coffee filters and markers

Thank you to all for coming to our Open House!


Read to your child every night!

Do not forget to place your Scholastic book orders.

Bring Library Books on Mondays and Thursdays

We have gym everyday.  Please remember your gym shoes.

Please check the green folder daily.
Turn in Box Tops to earn money for our school! - The class with the most box tops wins a pizza party at the end of the year.